Location / Cape Coral

Our Villa Sunny Haven is located  in a quiet and neat residential area in the southwestern part of Cape Coral.

All destinations in and around Cape Coral can be reached quickly by car.

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The cruise by boat to the Gulf of Mexico leads along the Spreader Canal with views of flora and fauna to one side and luxury villas to the other side.

General Information about Cape Coral

"IT'S JUST PARADISE": That´s the motto of your destination Cape Coral.

No surprise here, as it has more than 300 days of sunshine each year.

Separated only by the Calooosahatchees River from Fort Myers, this city at the Gulf of Mexico is a dream destination.

Approx. 640km (=400 miles) of waterways run through Cape Coral which earned him the nickname "Venice of the USA".

You won´t find any high-rise buildings here.Instead you´ll find spacious villas with pools, tropical plants, lemon trees and palms.

Cape Coral from a bird´s eye view

And another video about Cape Coral from "Today in America"